An Optimal And Feasible Pairing Function

I’ve talked a lot about pairing functions on this blog. I’ve tried using them in a bunch of different projects, but I’ve frequently made the observation that they are often unexpectedly inefficient. As an example, the simplest paring function is just the bit-interleaving function which pairs two numbers by interleaving... [Read More]

What Sort Of Programs Are Logic Programs

In an earlier post, I mentioned a potential project where I’d talk about, among other things, logic programming within the lambda calculus a la MiniKanren. As part of that, I’ve started seriously considering the nature of logic programming. [Read More]

Differential Forms Of Lambda Expressions

My viewpoint on calculus, specifically differentiation, has changed rather radically recently. I learned about differential forms and how to manipulate them algebraically. They have the following properties; [Read More]

Extremely Simple Self Interpretation

This post will be a relatively short note on a simple self-interpreter for the lambda calculus I recently made. I’ve been thinking of making an extensive work, perhaps a book, on programming in the lambda calculus. As part of that, I was looking into self-interpretation. If one wants to do... [Read More]